Varda Liberman 


Prof. Varda Liberman

PhD in Mathematics, Tel Aviv University

Prof. Liberman, one of the founders of Reichman University, is the Provost and Head of this program, as well as the Head of the behavioral decision-making area and the Head of the mathematical and statistical studies at Reichman University.


Prof. Liberman served as the head of the mathematical education department at the Open University of Israel. She was an associate researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies of the Hebrew University and at Stanford University, where she continues to serve as a visiting researcher Prof. every summer. Her research interest deals with probabilistic judgments and Behavioral Decision Making which led her to co-author the book Critical Thinking with the late Amos Tversky. As an expert on Decision Making, Prof. Liberman acts as a consultant and gives lectures and executive training courses for Israeli organizations such as the healthcare system, the judicial system, investment companies, Hi-tech companies,  and the Israeli Defense Forces.





Prof. Yitshak Kreiss

MD, Hebrew University MPH, Harvard

Prof. Kreiss is the Director General at Sheba Medical Center.


Prior to that, Prof. Kreiss served in the IDF for 30 years where he ascended from serving as a front-line combat surgeon to assuming overall leadership of the Medical Corps as the IDF Surgeon General.  Prof. Kreiss has extensive experience in delivering trauma medicine and humanitarian aid. He led Israeli aid delegations to disaster sites around the world including to Macedonia, Haiti, the Syrian border, and the Philippines.


Prof. Kreiss' research flows from his experiences and focuses on health management of field hospitals and medical care for disaster challenges. His research contributes significantly to the development of current approaches and is widely acknowledged as one of the most insightful publications on medical relief in disaster situations.






Prof. Eyal Zimlichman

MD, Technion Institute of Technology

Prof. Zimlichman is the Deputy Director General and Chief Medical and Innovation Officer at Sheba Medical Center, Israel's largest hospital.

Prof. Zimlichman is a physician, health care executive, and researcher focused on assessing and improving health care quality and value, patient engagement, and patient safety.

Prior to joining Sheba, Prof. Zimlichman was in Boston establishing a strategic care redesign initiative, a program which won international praise.

He holds an appointment at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School affiliated Center for Patient Safety Research and Practice, where he is conducting research on implementing technology to improve health care quality and patient safety. Prof. Zimlichman serves official capacities advising on and guiding policy in both Israel and the United States.






Prof. Arnon Afek

MD, Hebrew University of Jerusalem MHA ; Ben- Gurion University of the Negev


Prof. Afek is the Associate Director General of Sheba Medical Center and the acting Director of Sheba General Hospital.

Prof. Afek was the Director General of the Israeli Ministry of Health.  He serves in several public capacities which require him to design health policies and improve quality of care. In 2015, Prof. Afek was personally appointed as a member of the Bureau of Governors of the OECD Health Committee. Since 2011, Prof. Afek also serves as the Director of the NY State/American MD Program at the Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. Prof. Afek is a decorated director and professor, having been awarded for improving quality of care in neonatal units, reducing bureaucracy in physician licensing, and excellence in teaching.




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Prof. Ran Elkon

PhD in Bioinformatics, Tel Aviv University

Dr. Elkon is the principal investigator at the bioinformatics research lab for gene regulation at the Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University.


Dr. Elkon’s research focuses on understanding how genetic variants in the human genome affects individual predisposition to common diseases as a cornerstone of the vision of precision medicine. Dr. Elkon has published more than 50 research articles in leading biomedical journals including Nature Biotechnology, Genome Research, Genome Biology and Cell. Dr. Elkon teaches bioinformatics and genomics courses at the Medicine school at TAU and various statistics courses at IDC.







Prof. Meredith Rosenthal 

Boyden Gray Professor of Health Economics and Policy, Harvard 

Dr. Rosenthal received her B.A in International Relations (Commerce) from Brown University in 1990 and her Ph.D. in Health Policy (Economics track) from Harvard University in 1998.


Her research focuses primarily on policies that will help slow the growth in healthcare spending and improve value. These efforts include changes in payment incentives, benefit design, and the provision of information and behavioral “nudges” to both patients and providers. Her research has influenced the design of provider payment systems in both the public and private sectors. She has advised federal and state policymakers in healthcare payment policy and implementation. She has also testified in Congressional hearings on direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs and pay-for-performance and in legislative hearings in California and Massachusetts concerning healthcare provider payment and benefit design policies.


Dr. Rosenthal’s work has been published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the American Medical Association, Health Affairs, and numerous other peer-reviewed journals. In 2014, Dr. Rosenthal was elected to the Institute of Medicine (recently renamed the National Academy of Medicine).


Dr. Rosenthal is a member of the Committee on Higher Degrees in Health Policy, the Massachusetts Center for Healthcare Information and Analysis Oversight Board, and Board Chair of Massachusetts Health Quality Partners, a multi-stakeholder quality improvement organization. As Associate Dean for Diversity she works closely with the Dean’s Advisory Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (DACDI) on strategic planning and issues related to equity, diversity and inclusion affecting all members of the School community.




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Dr. Joseph (Yossi) Bolless

PhD in Political Science, Northern Illinois University

Dr. Bolless has co-founded and guided numerous hi-tech companies from early-stage startups to successful public offerings on the NASDAQ and high value buyouts. He served a long career in the Israeli Air Force and is the Chairman of the Public Council of the Israeli Chamber of Information Systems.

Dr. Bolless teaches at the EMPH and EMPP programs at Tel Aviv University and the GMBA, OYMBA, & MBA programs at the the IDC. His areas of expertise include initiation and business management of High-Tech companies, international project management, technology commercialization, political economy and public policy.




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Mr. Moty Cristal

LLB, Bar-Ilan University; MPA, Harvard University

Moty Cristal is the CEO of NEST, Negotiation Strategies LTD, a global consulting firm which provides complex negotiation and crisis management services to senior officials and executives.


From 1994 to 2001 Moty served in official positions in Israeli peace negotiation teams. Moty has extensive operational experience in complex negotiations and crisis negotiations which he has successfully applied to business and government alike, including in the health sector. Cristal graduated Harvard Kennedy School and Bar Ilan University law school, and is a member of the faculty at Skolkovo, Moscow Business School. 

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Abigail Tenembaum

BA in Theater from Tel Aviv University, MBA, Columbia Business School   


Abigail is passionate about helping global leaders accelerate their impact as communicators, to achieve critical results.  She uses her experience as strategic consultant for Bain and Company to work with her clients on their communications strategy, and her theatre writing and directing experience to then turn the strategy into impactful narratives delivered with commanding presence. Abigail loves to partner with her clients to create unique programs that yield powerful results. From rethinking communication in board meetings to high-impact conferences; from executive teams defining their strategic narrative to leaders sharpening their messages and presence, Abigail approaches each client with curiosity, playfulness and a deeply humanistic approach. Abigail has an MBA from Columbia Business School and a BA in Theater from Tel Aviv University (with honors). She is featured in Chris Anderson’s bestselling book “TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking”. She works with individuals and teams in English, Spanish and Hebrew. When not working, Abigail can be found watching European football, singing in a choir, or dreaming of her native Argentina. 








Dr. Alan Tennenberg 

MD, Chief Medical Officer of Global Public Health at Johnson & Johnson


Trained as an infectious diseases physician, Alan brings over 25 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, clinical medicine, public health, and academia to the position of Chief Medical Officer, Global Public Health at Johnson & Johnson. 


In this role he is responsible for building strategic relationships with key stakeholders and partners in government, academia, multi-lateral institutions, and non-governmental organizations around the world. He is a leading figure in facilitating private sector engagement to advance the Global Health Security Agenda, and is founder and co-chair of the Private Sector Round Table (PSRT), a coalition of companies dedicated to bringing private sector capabilities to the GHSA.  Recently, Dr. Tennenberg was appointed to the US Dept of Health and Human Services National Biodefense Safety Board.  The NBSB provides expert advice and guidance to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response on scientific, technical, and other matters related to public health emergency preparedness and response.









Prof. Dan Segal

PhD in Accounting, NYU’s Stern School of Business;

PhD, New York University Head; Accounting Group, Arison School of Business, IDC 


Prof. Segal’s research interests are in empirical financial accounting and corporate finance topics. Over the years he developed expertise in several areas of research, such as corporate governance, credit default swaps, earnings management, conservatism, analysts’ skill, and strategic disclosure. His research appears in leading academic journals such as The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Review of Financial Studies, Review of Accounting Studies, Management Science, and more. Prof. Segal, who has received several teaching awards, has taught in full-time MBA programs as well as non-degree executive programs. Before joining IDC Herzliya, he was a member of the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. His courses mainly focus on financial statement analysis and financial accounting. Prof. Segal has a PhD in Accounting from NYU’s Stern School of Business and a BA in Economics and Business from Hebrew University.







Dr. Guy Lubitsh

PhD, University of East London
Prof. of Practice, Ashridge Executive Education, Hult  


Dr. Lubitsh is a highly experienced Chartered Organizational Psychologist, leadership developer, facilitator, and executive coach. He has over 15 years' experience as an organization consultant at the highest levels of international companies in Europe and the Middle East, working in a range of sectors including healthcare, energy, media, and telecommunications. Some of his clients include; Novo Nordisk, Diabetes UK, GOSH, World Health Organisation (WHO), British National Health Service (NHS).


Dr. Lubitsh's interests include talent management, the turn-around of underperforming organizations, and conflict resolution. He has published articles in the areas of organizational consulting and the role of emotions at work, writes regularly for the Guardian healthcare column, and a member of the faculty at Ashridge Executive Education, Hult.








Dr. Amir Guttman

PhD in Business Administration, Haas School of Business (UC Berkeley)

Dr. Guttman teaches courses on the process of venture creation and new business models in the MBA programs of Arison School of Business at IDC and is  very involved with the Incubator for Entrepreneurship at the Weizmann Institute of Science.


Dr. Guttman has served as managing partner at Aviv Venture Capital since he founded it in 2001. Aviv is a venture capital fund focusing on Israel-related revenue stage technology companies. Prior to founding Aviv, Dr. Guttman served for 6 years as member of the senior management of Discount Investments Corp (DIC). He initiated and executed a wide variety of investments, business development, and M&A activities and served on the boards of various companies.



Ravit Barniv

MBA, Tel Aviv University; MBA Healthcare Innovation, Reichman University; MA, Diplomacy and Strategy, Reichman University.



Ms. Barniv serves as a board member in companies including Ormat (geothermal energy) and Clalit HMO. She has been the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tnuva (food) and Shikun and Binui (infrastructure, real estate, renewable energy), as well as the CEO of Netvision (telecommunications). Ms. Barniv’s passion is sustainability and innovation, and she is an executive who creates positive impact and shareholder value. Her expertise includes leadership, strategy, strategic strategic innovation, and corporate turnarounds.









Doron Hacmon

MBA, Tel Aviv University

Commercial, stragegy, Product Dev. Executive; Investor & Innovator; Keynote Speaker; Adjunct Professor, University of Amsterdam MBA Program

Mr. Hacmon is an inspiring keynote speaker, an innovator, and a private investor, in addition to being an adjunct professor. Up until recently, Mr. Hacmon served as Chief Product and Innovation Officer of Liberty Global, an international telecommunication and Cable TV operator active in Europe and listed on the Nasdaq. In his last role he oversaw Product Development across television, broadband internet, fixed telephony, and mobile. Before joining Liberty Global, Mr. Hacmon was an active partner in a management consultancy firm specialized in high-tech investments, and before that, he headed a large software development team. Mr. Hacmon is currently an Adjunct Professor for Innovation Management for the University of Amsterdam’s MBA program. Previously, he was a parttime Professor at Webster University in Leiden, covering International and Strategic Marketing.