MBA Healthcare Innovation

Our graduates and students have created a solid basis for integration in the working market.

  • Moshe Ashkenazi, MD

    Deputy Director at Edmond and Lily Safra's Children's hospital, Sheba medical center

    The well-structured courses introduced us to the world of healthcare & innovation. It took us few steps forward by meeting leaders from Israel and abroad.

  • Orly Tzalik

    Senior Pharmaceutical Director at MSD CEE

    With over 25 years in pharma, this degree provided a great opportunity to combine the skills, knowledge and experience I acquired, with innovative and up-to-date thinking, tools and models delivered by leading key people in their field.

  • Hanan Isarowitz

    Founding entrepreneur ActualSignal

    I was looking for the right program to create the bridge to the field of entrepreneurship in the fields of digital health. I found the future leaders of the health system and attentive and professional faculty members.

  • Prof. Gal Markel, MD PhD

    Deputy Director General of Rabin Medical Center and Director of the Davidoff Center for cancer

    The theoretical basis coupled with practical hands-on experience merge into a language, which is necessary in today's healthcare environment.

  • Tammy Galili

    ​CEO of Ilex medical Ltd

    ​The program has provided me a strong and clear understanding of the future dilemmas that today's Health Systems are facing here in Israel and across the world. In addition, I've gained the ability of building a leaders network in this field.

  • Mati Gill

    CEO, AION Labs

    ​The curriculum and the study trip to the USA motivated me to be a part of the future leadership generation of the health industry and systems in Israel and in the world.

  • Daniella Cohen, MD

    ​Director of Family Medicine at Maccabi Healthcare Services

    ​The program provided me with a diverse set of tools and skills that have enhanced my abilities as a manager and deepened my understanding regarding innovations in healthcare.

  • Prof. Eyal Leshem

    Director at Center for Travel Medicine and Tropical Diseases, Sheba Medical Center

    As a physician, participation in Reichmann University's healthcare innovation MBA program provided me with extensive theoretic and practical knowledge for entrepreneurship and participation in healthcare and biotech start-ups.

  • Muriel Webb, MD

    Head of Radiology, Maccabi

    ​This MBA program was an unique experience that gave me the opportunity to approach the world of innovations in healthcare, to strengthen my leadership skills and last but not least to meet new friends and future partners.

  • Efrat Shalom

    Berensohn General Counsel, Clexio Biosciences

    My degree broadened horizons, was inspiring, very enriching and invested. I met talented people from all my fields in the health industry and expanded my network. I couldn't think of a more amazing place than Reichman University.

  • Ariel Zylbersztejn

    Founder of Ana; Co-founder and Chairman of Paz-Mental

    Coming all the way from Mexico to study the Healthcare innovation program was immensely valuable for my life, my family and my company. I took time to learn and reflect. I met great people and re-built the vision of my company.

  • Dr. Yehudit Cohen

    Director, Midgem - National Research Biobank

    I came to the program to know a multidisciplinary array of professionals who share my dream of improving the world of health with innovative tools. I met a high-quality, ethical and friendly group of women.

  • Saar Oz Ph.D.

    ​VP Sales, Ilex medical Ltd

    ​Entrepreneurship in the Biomed and medical fields is a real existing need. The MBA in Healthcare Innovation program at RU is the only program that has an answer for that need in a very precise way.

  • Nadia Prisant

    Founder and chief medical director of IMMA

    These are not just the connections, but the friendships and not just the tools but assets. And here I am, a co-founder of IMMA's dream start-up, and everything was created here in Israel, here at Reichman University.

  • Nir Rosenberg, MD

    Plastic Surgeon at Maccabi Healthcare Services

    ​This program became a great opportunity for me to enter the world of business entrepreneurship. During the program I got to know wonderful friends and partners to establish and promote innovative ventures in healthcare.

  • Nuno Sousa Dias, MD

    Renowned Dental Specialist

    Innovation is the hottest subject in the healthcare world and the integration with business administration helps us as managements to cope with the modern health care challenges.

  • Annie Kaufman

    R & D Collaborations & Partnerships Manager 

    Coming all the way from Mexico to study the Healthcare innovation program was immensely valuable for my life, my family and my company. I took time to learn and reflect. I met great people and re-built the vision of my company.

  • Rafael (Rafi) Friedman

    General Manager at Mediplast Israel

    This program was both enlightening and exhilarating. It provided me a deep understanding of the international healthcare micro & macro. I was fortunate to build a wide-ranging network with a group of professionals and unquestionably Israel's future healthcare leaders.