Meet our graduates

Our graduates come from various backgrounds yet they all share the same passion and enthusiasm to think of new ideas and make them happen. Many of our graduates play key roles in the Israeli and global tech scene, leading and promoting new products and ventures.

  • Nir Ben Moshe, GMBA 5

    ​Program manager at Mobileye

    ​"The International MBA program in the IDC was key to my personal career development. Key aspects include product management, business strategy and negotiation skills. "

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  • Sagi Benbasat, GMBA 5

    ​GM Enterprise Solutions at ironSource

    ​"I have a warm place in my heart for IDC. My studies in the innovation and entrepreneurship track provided me with the solid base I needed, alongside inspiring and educational mi-lab sessions, and visits to companies and incubators."

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  • Rony Rozen, GMBA 5

    ​Program Manager at Google

    ​"My MBA @IDC gave me all the tools I needed to grow my successful company and the courage to make tough (but right) career decisions."

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  • Salomé Hemmo , GMBA 8

    ​Senior Product BI Analyst at Yotpo

    ​"This program has helped me shed light on my career plans and has guided me to better know myself. I was very lucky to be part of an inspiring practicum at Microsoft Ventures."

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  • Assaf Mashiah, GMBA 8

    ​VP Product & Marketing at Time To Know

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  • Ran Rothschild, GMBA 7

    ​Chief business officer at DoiT International

    ​"My GMBA at the innovation and entrepreneurship track gave me the wake-up call I need. It provided me with the tools, knowledge and skills to lead and manage one company, and to be a partner in another start-up. Today I can say for sure that this is thanks to my studies at the I&E GMBA track at IDC".

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  • Omer Briller, GMBA 6

    Director of Strategy and Business Development at Elbit Systems Ltd

    ​"The I&E GMBA program has bridged the gap from my past experience to the new one. The "hands on" extensive studies and innovation's best practices and tools have enriched my skills and support many of my activities and day to day decisions."

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  • Rebeca Querub, GMBA 6

    ​Director of Business Development at OurCrowd

    ​"The I&E track opened my mind to new possibilities that I never thought about. It was a before and after. It gave me the motivation and security to found my first startup."

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  • Or Adar, GMBA 7

    ​Product Manager at Fiverr

    ​"By participating in the I&E track, I have learned that the guidance, mentorship, and co-working with my colleagues enabled me to reach higher and farther then I have ever expected. Even years after graduating, I still keep thinking of new products, applications and new ways to disrupt the world."

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  • Guy Harpaz, GMBA 7

    ​Director of sales EMEA & APAC @ Siemplify

    ​"The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Global MBA at IDC was definitely a fascinating experience. Its exceptional staff and creative curriculum helped me master the skills needed to break down and examine all aspects of an opportunity - without loosing track of the big picture."

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  • Eyal Pincu, GMBA 7

    ​Video Product Director, Taboola

    ​"My Global MBA at IDC gave me the push and the confidence to reach the next level in my career."

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  • Eran Deshe, GMBA 6

    VP International BD @ American Well

    ​"The I&E track within the IDC's Global MBA provides a rare opportunity to live local while study and network global. For me it was the perfect match of meeting very talented people both from Israel and from all over the world allowing me to challenge myself and expand my network."

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  • Danielle Raiz, GMBA 5

    ​Head of Media Group,

    ​Surrounding yourself with the best of the best pushes you forward. It challenges you, makes you better, opens your mind. The people I surrounded myself with at IDC, who are part of my life years after I graduated, are the greatest benefit I gained from my GMBA experience."

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  • Elad Gov-Ari, GMBA 5

    ​Product Manager, personalization, measurement & optimization, Taboola

    ​"Many of us have great ideas, but in order to turn an idea into a real start-up, one needs the right tools and guidance. The Innovation and Entrepreneurship track offers that and much more, with a cultivating and fun environment which is led by experienced professionals."

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