The Innovation & Entrepreneurship track is a partnership between Reichman University’s Media Innovation Lab (milab) and the Arison School of Business. This unique track is designed for exceptional students with professional experience, who wish to join the Israeli startup ecosystem or improve their career choices within this vibrant community. Students will learn innovation, as well as product and business methodologies, and will have the opportunity to promote new ideas, as either entrepreneurship projects or intrapreneurships.

Program Highlights

  • The GMBA Innovation & Entrepreneurship track is highly interdisciplinary. Students work in teams reflecting their diverse skill sets and experiences in technology, design, media, psychology, business and science, and enabling them to deal with complex challenges from different angles - humanistic, technological and business related. Furthermore, throughout the learning process, students are guided by both faculty and industry mentors who are experts in their fields.
  • Offers students interdisciplinary learning coupled with applied hands-on implementation

  • The track focuses on experiential learning, including guest lectures, informal mentorships, and visits to leading companies (led by entrepreneurs, VCs, angel investors, product managers, inventors, and more).
  • Designed for exceptional candidates from diverse backgrounds who are creative, adventurous, and interested in creating new products and services and bringing them to market.
  • A wide range of courses in human computer interaction, design thinking, and entrepreneurship.
  • Part Time: Sunday, 4:00 PM - 10:00 PM; Friday, 8:00 AM - 2:00; PM; Mini-semesters 1-6, Wednesdays, once per month, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Exams are held between the mini-semesters (in the breaks) – Friday morning or during the week in the afternoon.

What makes this program unique?


Lab: Product Innovation & Venture Creation*


In the Lab courses (3 consecutive courses) students work in teams to develop a new product and venture from the concept stage. The Lab experience is based on leading entrepreneurial methodologies, combined with UX and product techniques. Students work closely with leading mentors from the Israeli startup community, including entrepreneurs, investors, and experts in various domains: online marketing, user experience, product management, product validation strategies, and more. Students who choose to develop hardware products, such as IoT and robots, can learn how to use milab’s advanced rapid-prototyping tools, including 3D printing, electronics prototyping and sensors, woodshop, metal shop, and biofabrication.



Practicum Experience*


Students are offered a unique opportunity to experience the startup world from within, by joining early stage startups, accelerators, VCs, or incubators. Students who participate in the practicum program devote 6-8 weekly hours during a 4-month period to carrying out professional projects. Former students worked at Microsoft Ventures, Sigma Labs, 8200 EISP, Glilot Capital, OurCrowd, and many startups. Our network of collaborators is constantly growing and we tailor opportunities for our students.



Overseas Module Study Trip to the USA**


In recent years, New York City has developed into what is now called “Silicon Alley.” Hundreds of technology startups, mostly focused on fintech, Internet, and new media, are based in the city. NYC is one of the world’s most important business centers and home to some of the most prominent companies in all sectors. The Study Trip includes visits to startup companies and meetings with entrepreneurs with an “Israeli connection,” as well as with interesting leaders in other sectors. The Study Trip offers students an opportunity to get a firsthand impression of current trends, new technologies, and innovative business models.


* Admission to these experiential courses is subject to a screening process that takes place during the course of studies. Participation in these courses is not a requirement for completing studies in the Innovation & Entrepreneurship track.

** The Study Trips to the USA may be cancelled or altered due to Covid-19 travel restrictions. The cost of the trip is not included in the tuition.

What Will You Study?

  • ​​For the entire list of courses please refer to the Student Handbook
  • The academic administration of Reichman University reserves the right to make changes to the curriculum.​
  • In addition to core MBA courses, program participants study current approaches to innovation and entrepreneurship, including miLAB’s human centered design process, and the Customer Development and Lean Startup methodologies.
  • The specialization is not indicated on the Diploma, but in an accompanying appendix.
Liron Tzour USA
Reichman University Director of International Marketing

Through the exclusive curriculum, strategic networking opportunities, and practical application , of business principles the Global MBA program served as the catalyst for my professional growth, empowering me to navigate complex challenges with confidence and achieve new heights in my career.

Natalie Milstein USA
Senior Associate Blue Laurel Advisors

The Global MBA program empowered me to make the leap from nonprofit and diplomacy work into the Israeli innovation ecosystem. Not only did it introduce me to a vast network of business leaders and seasoned entrepreneurs, but it also equipped me with the tools and confidence to dive into venture evaluation at Israel’s biggest VC as an Investment Analyst and, later, the Value Creation Manager for a portfolio of 350+ startups.

Rinat Zilberstein Israel
General Manager and VP R&D AT&T Israel

The MBA program is a journey, taking you back to the drawing board and inspiring you to blend technology with creativity in ways that can impact all high-tech industries. Through its comprehensive approach, the program encourages you to experiment with various models, fostering unique connections and opening your mind to a universe of endless opportunities.