Law Schools Global League (LSGL)

The Law Schools Global League or LSGL was instituted in 2012 by a selected number of globally leading law schools. ,It has the primary aim of globally promoting and fostering scholastic research on law and legal education as well as encouraging collaboration among its members in the debate on issues impacting global law or legal practice


Radyzner Law School is a founding member of the Law Schools Global League (LSGL), which was formally established in a celebratory meeting held at Tilburg University in The Netherlands on June 21, 2012. Currently the League brings together 30 leading law schools from around the globe, including NYU and Northwestern in the United States, McGill University in Canada, Tsinghua University in China, Sciences Po in France, Sidney University, FGV Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town University, National University of Singapore, Hong Kong University, and the National Research University in Russia.


The Law Schools Global League was established with the goal of meeting the various challenges that the era of globalization poses for legal education and academic research. The League offers a yearly summer school program, co-teaching of courses, creation of databases, and collaboration in research among faculty from the member law schools. In the future the League plans to offer Joint degree programs.


Harry Radzyner Law School membership in this prestigious league adds up to its rich international portfolio, which already includes a thick network of bilateral collaboration agreements with top law schools worldwide, as well as an extensive English-language program which is taught by top visiting professors from all over the world.


Each year the students are encouraged to apply for the LSGL Summer School. For more information about the LSGL Summer School Program, please visit the LSGL page here.