​General Information


Harry Radzyner Law School aims to provide its graduates with the best training for the challenges and demands of the 21st century. Our goal is that in addition to the training for the legal profession, a lawyer fresh out of law school should be equipped with a variety of tools ranging from such fields as economics, governance, business administration and computer science.



Pursuit of excellence underlies our worldview.

The study format is designed to allow development of outstanding capabilities among our students and enable them to achieve their maximum.

The curriculum is specially tailored to prepare our graduates for dealing with the rapidly-changing modern environment, providing them with the tools necessary to be open to information-technology and have access to global markets.


The curriculum is designed to provide interdisciplinary capabilities in addition to high-level legal skills. In this capacity, each law student is required to combine their legal studies with another field of study – be it Government, Business or Psychology, following our belief that Interdisciplinary integration provides additional intellectual capabilities. Therefore, we work diligently on thoroughly understanding and implementing interdisciplinary skills, both in theory and in practice.


Harry Radzyner Law School combines theoretical and interdisciplinary learning with practical training. Students are offered scholarly courses and seminars by the academic staff of the school, which stands at the forefront of the legal and interdisciplinary research in Israel and the world. In addition to the faculty, the school also hosts outstanding legal researchers and academics from around the country and across the globe.

Students are also offered practical workshops led by lawyers and judges with a renowned reputation and expertise in teaching. In addition, the school has legal clinics that offer free legal assistance to those in need of it, enabling the students participating in these clinics practical application of the academic training, while being accompanied by a lawyer throughout the process.


The school is committed to the trend of globalization, and in this context the students learn part of their courses in English, under the tutelage of renowned professors from the best law schools around the world (such as Harvard, NYU, Yale, Stanford, Colombia, Georgetown etc...) All students are required, regardless of their area of expertise, to study courses in other areas such as computers, communications, and Middle East studies.

In addition to its academic activities, the school offers many other activities, such as: conferences, seminars, joint-programs with universities from abroad, study tours in the country, production of the school journal, social gatherings and more.