• Will Israel miss the historic opportunity for peace with Saudi Arabia?

    Mr. Gil Tamary, Major General (res.) Amos Gileadand Dr. Shay Har Zvi | Podcast

  • The Question on Everyone's Mind: The Netanyahu-Biden Crisis - Could Israel Lose the U.S.?

    Mr. Gil Tamary and Dr. Shay Har Zvi | Podcast

  • Russia-Ukraine war: Is there a Light at the End of the Tunnel?

    Mr. Gil Tamary, Mr. Arkady Mil-Man and & Dr. Shay Har Zvi

  • The Relations Between the Jewish People & the State of Israel

    Ms. Irina Nevzlin | Podcast

  • How Vital are U.S-Israel Relations?

    Mr. Gil Tamary | Podcast

  • The Future Risks of Recent Events in Leading U.S. Universities

    Prof. Jonathan Gershoni | Podcast