Return on Knowledge of Hebrew in Arab Society: Barriers to Language Learning and How to Remove Them

Idit Kalisher, Kiril Moskalev and Marian Tehawkho

The Aaron Institute has founded a study program focusing on economic policy for the Israeli Arab society. The institute's vision for this program is to advance the manufacturing and business economy in Israel's Arab society, and to enhance its integration in the national economy. The program's advisory committee is headed by former Supreme Court Justice Salim Joubran and comprises several key figures from various fields in the Arab society. Every year, the advisory committee assembles to discuss the program's research topics, based on outcomes and accumulated knowledge.

This program is part of Aaron Institute's comprehensive economic strategy for the Israeli economy, which aims to achieve sustained growth in GDP and productivity along with reduced poverty and inequality. The focus of the program's activity is promoting government decisions on implementation of long-term economic policies for Israel's Arab society. To promote the program's vision, its activity revolves around designing strategies and devising policies in the fields of education, employment, and infrastructure, through collaboration with various government offices and particularly the Ministry of Finance. Policy recommendations include proposals for detailed plans based on up-to-date data regarding the Arab population in Israel, as well as proven economic knowledge acquired nationally and internationally, which takes into consideration existing customs and cultural norms in Israel, including political limitations. Research findings and recommendations are presented at public roundtable discussions held in Arab localities, with participants including Arab and Jewish professionals such as researchers, decision-makers, and senior figures from the business and public sectors.

Our collaboration with government offices, especially the Ministry of Finance, makes it possible to increase the program's impact and to translate its proposals into government decisions with allocated funds, which engender the implementation of long-term policies in various fields.