Integrating Digital Tools into the Education System

Hila Axelrad

​The quality of education is one of the most important factors affecting the course of our lives. The education system is responsible for shaping the values and beliefs of its graduates, and for the extent of their integration into society. At the same time, the education system also has a responsibility to provide adequate skills and abilities for entering the job market and coping with the challenges of employment in the modern world. In a world undergoing a digital revolution, which is manifested in rapid technological changes, digital skills are an indispensable part of the skillset that the education system must impart on its graduates. In addition, the adaptation of the education system to the digital era carries additional importance as a means to enrich and expand the learning experience and the acquired skills in all subjects, not just computer proficiency classes. Therefore, as computers continue to have a central role in our personal and professional lives, students who fail to acquire the necessary skills for digital environments would not be able to fully participate in the economic, social, and cultural realities surrounding them.