COVID-19 Crisis

  • The Digital Challenge in Arab Education: Lessons from COVID- 19 Crisis

    Idit Kalisher, Marian Tehawkho, Kiril Moskalev and Haneen Matar

    This paper reviews the gaps in digital capacities and distant-learning capabilities between the Arab and Hebrew education systems and the difficulties and barriers that arose from the field during the COVID-19 crisis, and offers recommendations to reduce the gaps.

  • High-Tech as An Recovery Engine

    Hila Axelrad, Niron Hashai, and Sergei Sumkin

    This paper explores how the high-tech sector may contribute to the recovery of the Israeli economy from the COVID-19 crisis, focusing on its impact on employment. Our findings indicate that there is a potential to increase high-tech employment, particularly through the integration of high-quality workforce without academic qualifications in tech-related fields.

  • Jewish and Arab Students Disparities

    Marian Tehawkho, Nasreen Haddad Haj-Yahya and Haneen Matar

    This paper summarizes the main findings of a special online survey conducted during June 2020 to assess the effects of the COVID-19 crisis on Israeli students, and the disparities between Jewish and Arab students during the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Principles for Lockdown Emergence

    Zvi Eckstein and Avihai Lifschitz

    This paper proposes a policy of “smart distancing”, whose main objective is reopening the economy in order to minimize GDP damage, while managing health risks.

  • Government Support for Businesses

    Zvi Eckstein, Sarit Menahem-Carmi and Sergei Sumkin

    This paper reviews the business support policy in Israel and in advanced countries worldwide, and finds that the support provided by the Israeli government is relatively limited in international comparison. The authors posit that the extent of government support should be expanded through state-guaranteed loans

  • Policy for Economic Recovery

    Zvi Eckstein, Tali Larom and Avihai Lifschitz*

    This paper outlines an economic plan which focuses on increasing high-quality employment and productivity, and includes a significant expansion of employment policy and growth-enhancing projects. A key feature of this plan is creating demand for workers in various economic sectors, and reducing barriers and uncertainties facing the business sector.

  • Employment Policy Response

    Zvi Eckstein, Tali Larom and Avihai Lifschitz

    This paper describes the policy required presently in order to return as many workers as possible to employment during emergence from lockdown and post-crisis recovery, as well as the policy which should be put in place for a possible “second wave” or future pandemic.

  • Crisis in the Israeli-Arab Society

    Kiril Moskalev and Marian Tehawkho

    This paper presents the causes for the low morbidity rate in most Arab communities, and recommends adapting aid policy during the crisis, as well as lockdown emergence policy, to the unique features of the Israeli-Arab population.

  • Israel and Similar European Countries

    Zvi Eckstein, Sarit Menahem-Carmi and Sergei Sumkin

    This paper presents a comparative analysis of morbidity data in Israel and similar European countries, and shows that the probability that the healthcare system would struggle to support patient care is extremely low.

  • Economic Response Worldwide

    Avihai Lifschitz, Sarit Menahem-Carmi and Sergei Sumkin

    This paper explores the extent and characteristics of support packages provided by governments in Israel and worldwide, and reviews government support packages provided to businesses and job seekers in selected countries.