All Policy Papers

  • Labor Market Challenges Facing Israel’s Arab Society During Normalcy and Emergency

    Marian Tehawkho, Amit Loewenthal, Tali Larom and Ayala Partush

    This study identifies labor market disparities between Arab and Jewish communities, assesses the impact of the war on employment of the Arab society, and provides policy recommendations to address employment challenges and enhance the integration of Arabs into high-quality employment opportunities.

  • Is It Worthwhile for Haredi Kollel Students To Join the Labor Market?

    Hila Axelrad and Tom Sadeh

    This paper investigates the economic incentives for ultra-Orthodox men to enter the workforce and evaluates the financial feasibility of their employment.

  • Households' Labor Income - Challenges, Scenarios, and Policy

    Osnat Lifshitz, Tali Larom

    This paper discusses the changes in households’ labor income over the last twenty years, possible scenarios for the coming years, and outlines policy supporting the continuing growth of the Israeli economy and the closing of gaps between population groups.

  • Effects of the War on Israel's Haredi Society

    Hila Axelrad, Sarit Menahem-Carmi, Itschak Trachtengot and Tom Sadeh

    The war which broke out on October 7 has had a considerable economic impact on the Israeli economy, including the mass deployment of IDF reserve soldiers, evacuation of residents of frontier communities, restrictions imposed by the Homefront Command, and a decrease in the consumption of goods and services.

  • Promoting Women's Pathways to Tech Employment: Encouraging Excellence Track

    Sergei Sumkin, Osnat Lifshitz, Benjamin Bental,Ronen Nir and Moshe Shalev

    This policy paper explores interventions to encourage more female students to pursue technological excellence tracks in middle schools, aiming to reduce gender gaps in the tech sector.

  • The Impact of the War on Israel’s Arab Society and the Necessary Policy Measures

    Marian Tehawkho, Amit Loewenthal and Ayala Partush

    This policy paper underscores the significance of economic resilience in Israel's Arab society and addresses disparities between Jewish and Arab citizens. It proposes measures to enhance economic prospects and trust in government institutions, benefiting both Arab society and Israel overall.

  • ‏‏History and Haredi Sociology Meet the Israeli Economy

    Hila Axelrad and Itschak Trachtengot

    This study explores the impact of historical developments since the establishment of the State of Israel and sociological characteristics unique to ultra-Orthodox society on recent changes within the community and its relationship with the state. Additionally, it investigates the economic trends prevalent in recent years.

  • The Challenges Facing the Israeli Economy in Turbulent Times

    Zvi Eckstein, Sarit Menahem-Carmi, Sergei Sumkin, Idit Kalisher

    This paper analyzes economic growth sources and labor productivity changes, providing scenarios for 2023-2025 amidst potential threats. It suggests an economic strategy to boost productivity and reduce living costs.

  • The Effects of the War on the Israeli Economy And Necessary Policy Measures

    Zvi Eckstein, Sarit Menahem-Carmi, Sergei Sumkin, Idit Kalisher

    his paper outlines the impacts of the October Seventh War on the Israeli economy and puts forth recommended policy measures, with a particular focus on the implications for the 2024 budget.

  • High-Quality Employment for Haredi Women

    Hila Axelrad, Idit Kalisher

    This study aims to examine the obstacles hindering the integration of ultra-Orthodox women into high-quality employment, with the ultimate goal of mitigating the wage gap between this demographic and non-Orthodox women.

  • High-Quality Transportation for 2040: Planning, Investments, and Benefits

    Sani Ziv and Oren Shapir

    This paper presents comprehensive objectives for transportation accessibility nationwide up to the year 2040, accompanied by corresponding transportation strategies. Additionally, it assesses the anticipated impact of these objectives on the country's GDP and, consequently, on the overall welfare of its residents.

  • Hebrew Language Literacy in the Arab Society: Standards Measures & Assessment

    Marian Tehawkho, Idit Kalisher

    This paper outlines an inter-ministerial initiative to enhance Hebrew studies in Arab society, standardize practices, and implement a consistent assessment to eliminate proficiency barriers.

  • The Economic Effect of the War and Recommended PolicyT

    Zvi Eckstein, Sarit Menahem-Carmi, Sergei Sumkin, Idit Kalisher

    This short statement presents Aaron Institute's position regarding the economic challenges faced by Israel in light of the war of October Seventh, and recommended policy for Israel's economic resilience

  • Promoting High-Quality Employment among Young Adults in Israel’s Arab Society

    Marian Tehawkho, Tali Larom and Sabaa Jabali-Serhan

    This paper examines the decrease in employment and the increase in the rate of NEET (Not in Employment, Education, or Training) among young Arabs, offers possible explanations for these trends, and recommends policy measures for the quality integration of young Arabs in the economy and society.

  • Paving the way to Labor Market Success for Arab Higher Education Graduates

    Marian Tehawkho, Linor Kiknadze, Sergei Sumkin and Ayala Partush

    This paper examines the quality of integration into the labor market of bachelor's degree holders from the Arab society who earned the degree from institutions of higher education in Israel, offers valuable insights for public policy and emphasizes the importance of increasing access to higher education among the Arab population in Israel.

  • The Digital Challenge in Arab Education: Lessons from COVID- 19 Crisis

    Idit Kalisher, Marian Tehawkho, Kiril Moskalev and Haneen Matar

    This paper reviews the gaps in digital capacities and distant-learning capabilities between the Arab and Hebrew education systems and the difficulties and barriers that arose from the field during the COVID-19 crisis, and offers recommendations to reduce the gaps.

  • The Regulation Authority: Objectives, Tools, and Framework

    Sarit Menahem-Carmi and Assaf Eilat

    This paper describes the tools available to the regulatory authority, the recommended work framework for the authority, and the areas of action required to promote optimal regulation in Israel.

  • Strategy for Promoting ICT Use in Israel: Setting Priorities

    Hila Axelrad, Sergei Sumkin and Shachar Haver

    This study aims to determine priorities for promoting digital transformation and to give the government tools to choose the projects with the highest efficiency and benefit to the economy. We recommend prioritizing the factors whose macroeconomic contribution to productivity and growth is most significant.

  • Regulatory Barriers to Employment of Older Workers: Analysis and Proposed Solutions

    Hila Axelrad

    This policy paper examines the barriers to the employment of adults before and after retirement age in the State of Israel and offers solutions to address these barriers.

  • Integration of Haredi Men in the High-Tech Sector

    Hila Axelrad and Sergei Sumkin

    This paper presents the current status of ultra-Orthodox men employed in high-tech and those who wish to integrate into high-tech and examines the possible ways to increase the number of Haredi men employed in high-tech.

  • Integrating Arab Young Adults in STEM Education and High Quality Employment

    Idit Kalisher, Marian Tehawkho, Ayala Partush, Haneen Matar, Omar Makhzumy and Sabaa Jabali-Serhan

    This paper presents a mapping and identification of barriers for young Arab adults to integrate into STEM higher education and quality employment. Recommendations include guidance and advice, skills acquisition, setting measurable goals and monitoring compliance.

  • The Decline in Employment of Young Men in Arab Society and its Characteristics

    Marian Tehawkho, Tali Larom and Kiril Moskalev

    This work investigates the decline in Arab men's employment occurred before the COVID-19 crisis throughout 2014-2019, focusing on young men aged 18-24, and the characteristics of the NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training).

  • Economic Benefits of Employing Older Workers

    Hila Axelrad, Zvi Eckstein and Tali Larom

    This paper examines the economic implications of the employment of adults in Israel and the consequences of (lack of) employment on the healthy aging of the population, on the individual and on the economy.

  • Debt-Financed Investment for Growth

    Zvi Eckstein, Benjamin Bental and Sergei Sumkin

    This paper points to a historic opportunity facing the Israeli economy to mobilize resources and direct them to invest in growth-accelerating projects, such as public infrastructure, quantitatively examining the growth scenario and the expected debt burden resulting from the policy of increasing investment in public capital financed by increasing debt.

  • Public Investment and Structural Reforms

    Zvi Eckstein, Sarit Menahem-Carmi and Sergei Sumkin

    This paper presents the reforms which are necessary to address the main growth barrier facing the Israeli economy – low labor productivity. Our recommendations include investment in public infrastructures, encouraging private investments and employment and human capital policy.

  • Investment Strategy and Reforms for Productivity

    Zvi Eckstein, Sarit Menahem-Carmi and Sergei Sumkin

    This paper presents the need for increased public and private investment to address productivity gaps, the necessary policy in regard to public investment, the proposed policy for encouraging private investment and the funding aspects of government investment.

  • Crisis as an Opportunity: Employment Policy

    Tali Larom

    This paper outlines the required employment and human capital policy, which includes setting targets, establishing employment schemes, implementing a reform in the vocational training system and establishing an Employment Ministry.

  • Promoting Digital Transformation

    Hila Axelrad, Sergei Sumkin and Shachar Haver
  • Reducing Education Gaps

    Idit Kalisher, Haneen Matar, Kiril Moskalev, and Marian Tehawkho
  • A Growth Strategy

    Zvi Eckstein, Avihai Lifschitz and Sarit Menahem-Carmi

    This paper presents a macroeconomic analysis of the sources of the productivity gap between Israel and comparable OECD economies, and proposes a comprehensive economic strategy for the Israeli economy.

  • Policy for Economic Recovery

    Zvi Eckstein, Tali Larom and Avihai Lifschitz*
  • Bureaucracy Reduction Policy

    Sergei Sumkin
  • Economic Effects of The Metro

    Oren Shapir and Sani Ziv
  • Digital Development Challenges

    Hila Axelrad and Israel Dancziger
  • The Digital Challenge For Arab Society

    Hila Axelrad, Hanin Matar, and Marian Tehawkho
  • Economic Response Worldwide

    Avihai Lifschitz, Sarit Menahem-Carmi and Sergei Sumkin
  • Israel and Similar European Countries

    Zvi Eckstein, Sarit Menahem-Carmi and Sergei Sumkin
  • Crisis in the Israeli-Arab Society

    Kiril Moskalev and Marian Tehawkho
  • Employment Policy Response

    Zvi Eckstein, Tali Larom and Avihai Lifschitz
  • Policy For Economic Recovery

    Zvi Eckstein, Tali Larom and Avihai Lifschitz*
  • Government Support for Businesses

    Zvi Eckstein, Sarit Menahem-Carmi and Sergei Sumkin
  • Principles for Lockdown Emergence

    Zvi Eckstein and Avihai Lifschitz
  • Jewish and Arab Students Disparities

    Marian Tehawkho, Nasreen Haddad Haj-Yahya and Haneen Matar
  • High-Tech as An Recovery Engine

    Hila Axelrad, Niron Hashai, and Sergei Sumkin
  • Committee for Employment Advancement

  • Effects of the War on Israel’s Haredi Society

    Hila Axelrad, Sarit Menahem-Carmi, Itschak Trachtengot and Tom Sadeh

    This paper delves into the economic analysis of the war's impact on Israel's economy, particularly examining how the macroeconomic shifts resonate within Haredi society. Through this exploration, it aims to shed light on the multifaceted implications of the ongoing war on the Haredi population.

  • Can the High-Tech Sector Grow?

    Sergei Sumkin
  • High-Tech Employment Opportunities

    Benjamin Bental, Den Peled, and Sergei Sumkin
  • Knowledge of Hebrew in Arab Society

    Idit Kalisher, Kiril Moskalev and Marian Tehawkho

    Barriers to Language Learning and How to Remove Them

  • Energy Sector Challenges For 2030

    Hila Axelrad, Zvi Eckstein, and Sergei Sumkin
  • Digital Tools in Education System

    Hila Axelrad
  • Strategy for the Energy Sector

    Hila Axelrad, Zvi Eckstein, and Sergei Sumkin
  • Labor Market as an Engine for Growth

    Zvi Eckstein, Osnat Lifshitz and Tali Larom

    This paper describes and explains the significant increase in employment since 2002, and its effect on wages, income and poverty.