June 21-22, 2021
IDC Herzliya

  • Currency Rates / Will the Israeli Shekel keep getting stronger, and will the US Dollar lose its global prominence?
  • Encouraging Entrepreneurship / Which policy would facilitate establishing new businesses towards enhanced growth?
  • Investing in Businesses / What can be done to boost investments in the private sector?
  • Nurturing Talent / How can human capital be adapted to accommodate changing economic needs?

  • Controversial Ratio / How can the economy be developed with a debt-to-GDP ratio exceeding 70%?
  • Restarting / How can we return to high employment rates?
  • Crisis and Poverty / Which economic policy might prevent a rise in poverty rates?
  • The World and Us / Will the termination of Western governments’ aid plans impair global growth and Israeli exports?

Plan and invitation for the evening of the conference 21/06


Prof. Omer Moav, Chairman of the Annual Conference of the Aharon Institute for Economic Policy at the IDC Herzliya

Prof. Uriel Reichman, President and Founder of IDC Herzliya

Prof. Lawrence H. Summers, Former US Treasury Secretary and Director of the White House National Economic Council, in conversation with Dr. Nadine Bodo-Trachtenberg, IDC Herzliya, former Bank of Israel Deputy Governor
Prof. Martin Eichenbaum, Northwestern and Board member of the Aharon Institute

Prof. Amir Yaron, Bank of Israel Governor

Mr. Shlomo Dovrat, Co-founder and General Partner, Viola Ventures; Chair of the Board, Aaron Institute

Prof. Zvi Eckstein, Dean of Tiomkin School of Economics and Head of Aaron Institute for Economic Policy, IDC Herzliya

The invitation



Conference Day Plan and Invitation 22/06

Economic Policy for Crisis Recovery

Prof. Zvi Eckstein, Dean of the Tiomkin School of Economics and Head of the Aaron Institute for Economic Policy, IDC Herzliya - “The Crisis as an opportunity for a Growth-Enhancing Policy”

Ms. Shira Greenberg, Chief Economist at the Ministry of Finance - “Macroeconomic Policy in the Aftermath of the Crisis”

Prof. Avi Simchon, Head of the National Economic Council, in an interview with Prof. Omer Moav, Chair of the Aaron Institute Conference - “Insights from the Crisis”

Panel discussion moderated by Ms. Yael Andorn, Co-founder and Partner at CapitalA, and former Director General of the Ministry of Finance - “From Macro to Business Decisions”


Mr. Gil Cohen, Senior Deputy to the Accountant General at the Ministry of Finance
Mr. Eldad Fresher, Chair of Gav-Yam Ltd.
Mr. Ronen Nir, General Partner at Viola Ventures


Open Plenary Discussion

Prof. Leo Leiderman, Tel Aviv University; Chief Economic Advisor at Bank Hapoalim
Mr. Eli Paley, Chair of the Haredi Institute for Public Affairs
Prof. Rafi Melnick, Provost of the IDC Herzliya


Reforms for Crisis Recovery

Mr. Yogev Gardus, Acting Budget Director at the Ministry of Finance - “Intended Reforms for the Next National Budget”

Dr. Tali Larom, Senior Researcher at the Aaron Institute - “Policy Proposal for Boosting Employment and Improving Human Capital”

Dr. Sarit Menahem-Carmi, Senior Researcher at the Aaron Institute - “Policy Proposal for Reducing Bureaucracy and Encouraging Investment”

Panel discussion moderated by Ms. Anath Levin, CEO of BlackRock Israel - “How Not to Let the Crisis Go to Waste?”


Mr. Pinchas (Pini) Cohen, Chair of NOY Fund
Mr. Rony Hizkiyahu, former Accountant General at the Ministry of Finance
Mr. Gabriel Rotter, Chair of Castro Hoodies Group
Mr. Assaf Wasserzug, Deputy Budget Director at the Ministry of Finance



Economic Policy for the Israeli Arab Society

MK Mansour Abbas, Head of The United Arab List (Ra’am), Deputy Knesset Speaker and Chair of the Special Parliamentary Committee on Arab Society Affairs - “A Multi-Year Investment Plan for the Israeli Arab Society”

Dr. Marian Tehawkho, Head of the Center for Economic Policy for the Israeli Arab Society at the Aaron Institute, in conversation with Ms. Yael Mevorach, Director General of the Ministry for Social Equality, and ACCT Hassan Tawafra, Head of the Authority for Economic Development of the Arab Society in the Ministry for Social Equality - “A Five-Year Plan for the Israeli Arab Society”

Open Plenary Discussion

Ms. Yulia Eitan, Senior Deputy Director General at the Ministry of Labor and Head of the Diversity in Employment Administration for Special Populations
Attorney Mariam Kabaha, National Commissioner of Equal Employment Opportunities at the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services

The invitation

To watch the conference discussions:


Facebook links

Monday 21/06

Tuesday 22/06

Youtube links

Monday 21/06

Tuesday 22/06