The Aaron Institute annual conference hosts Israeli business leaders and senior policy makers, as well as world economists and top Israeli economic analysts, for an open and professional discussion of economic policy in Israel. We discuss key issues of the Israeli economy at the current global markets and recommend strategic reforms to enhance Israel’s growth.

Leading topics at the conference

  • Are we heading for a global recession?
  • What are the national and international threats to financial stability?
  • Will the hi-tech sector continue to drive economic growth in Israel?
  • Can labor productivity in Israel catch up to that of Sweden?
  • Why is the share of international trade in Israel’s GDP declining, against the global trend?

  • Is the level of labor skills in Israel hindering economic growth?
  • Why is investment in public infrastructure so low in Israel?
  • Why is public sector investment falling in Israel and rising abroad?
  • Are bureaucracy and regulation preventing investment?
  • Is the inclusion of women, Arabs and the ultra-Orthodox in the hi-tech sector a key to economic growth?