Employment Crisis in Israel's Arab Society:
Policy for Returning to Pre-Crisis Employment Rates

The Outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic and the ensuing economic crisis caused a significant drop in employment, with disproportionate impact on different population groups; according to data provided by the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics, unemployment rate among Arab men in June 2020 was 11.8%, while the national average was 9.8%. It is assessed that the Israeli economy's effective employment rate in the primary working age group (25-64) dropped in July 2020 to around 72%, which is equivalent to its level ten years ago, and it is likely that a similar decline occurred within Arab society as well. The main objective should be returning within two years to pre-crisis employment rate, which was around 78%, in the aggregate level as well as in each individual sector of the population. Realizing this goal requires an aggressive employment policy, which would address the current uncertainty regarding demands, while counterbalancing the problematic structure of the existing safety net, which does not offer the unemployed any incentive to seek work and take part in guidance and training schemes, while incentivizing wage earners to prefer part-time work and the self-employed to reduce activity volumes. During the roundtable discussion we will present data, quantitative assessments, and a detailed work plan outlining policy recommendations based on the following principles: quantitative employment targets; counselling and guidance towards employment, training, and retraining, with an emphasis on selected prospects; support during active job search and placement; and a significant increase in the volumes of unemployed individuals offered vocational training courses, following diagnosis and guidance, and in line with existing demands. All these elements would be adapted to the specific conditions and barriers faced by the unemployed in the Arab society, while also providing essential missing skills with regard to Hebrew language and digital literacy.


Participants: Prof. Zvi Eckstein, former Supreme Court Judge Salim Joubran, Dr. Marian Tehawkho, Ms. Yael Mevorach, Attorney Mudar Younes, Mr. Rami Garor, Mr. Aiman Saif, Dr. Safa Abu-Rabia, Attorney Mariam Kabaha, Ms. Nawa Jahshan Batshon, Mr. Itzik Daniel, Ms. Yulia Eitan, Mr. Imad Telhami, Dr. Sigal Shelach, and Prof. Omer Moav.