Dr. Yael Ben-David

Baruch Ivcher School of Psychology

Research and Teaching Expertise

  • Dr Yael Ben David is a social and organizational psychologist, and a faculty member at the Organizational Behavior and Development program at Reichman University.
    Her work focuses on small group dynamic, and the role of social power hierarchies in group discourse. She also explores the implications of virtuality and hybridity on group work and teams. Her research contains an active dialogue with the social and organizational field.
    Dr Ben David has a MA in Social Psychology from Tel Aviv University, and a PhD in sociology from Ben Gurion University. She was a research fellow and a post-doc at Truman Institute, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • Ben David, Y., Rubel-Lifshitz, T. (Accepted). The right to success: Paradoxical logics ina multi-sectorial collaboration to promote scientific excellence in Israel. Organizational Studies. 


    Ben David, Y., Idan, O. (2023).” Talking Politics. The Delimitation of the “Political” as a Gendered Disciplinary Mechanism: Intragroup Dialogue among Young Israelis. In: F. Ferrari, & M. Leiner (Eds.), Encountering the suffering of the other: Transdisciplinary studies from the project Hearts of Flesh – Not Stone. Göttingen, Germany: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 


    Ben David, Y., Idan O.(2022). Encountering the Other’s Narrative – Implications on Gendered Intragroup Dynamics. In: Mana, A., & Srur, A. (Eds). Collective narratives in intractable conflict – the case of the Israeli and Palestinian societies. Cambridge scholars publishing, UK. 

    Ben-David, Y., Ickeson, T., & Kaye-Tzadok, A. (2021). Lost in the matrix: Dialectical tensions in facilitating virtual video groups during COVID-19 pandemic. 

    Internet Interventions, 26, 100445.‏

    Ben David, Y., & Idan, O. (2021). Eyes Wide Shut: Political Ideology as a Tool of Discursive Avoidance Among Israeli‐Jewish Students in the Context of Escalating Conflict. Political Psychology, doi: 10.1111/pops.12702. 

    איצקסון, ת., בן דוד, י. (2020). התנסות בחיי קבוצה במרחב האקדמי: קבוצת עמיתים לומדת ככלי למידה. מקבץ - כתב עת ישראלי להנחיה וטיפול קבוצתי, כרך 25, 85-103. 

    Ben David, Y. Rubel-Lifshitz,T.(2020). Organizational Consulting from a critical perspective (Hebrew). In: Krumer-Nevo,M., Weiss-Gal, I., Strier, R. (Eds). Critical Theory in Action, pp.319-355.

    Ben David, Y. (2019). The subjective experience of power: Its implications for the maintenance of and resistance to power in relations among Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel. Journal of Sociology, 55(3), 478-494.

    Ben David, Y., Idan, O. (2019). “We Don’t Have to Talk about How I Feel”: Practices of Power and Resistance in Political Discourse Among Israeli Students: A Gendered Socio-linguistic Perspective. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 24(1), 10-18. DOI: 10.1080/14616742.2018.1497450.

    Ben David, Y. (2018). A Cross-Sectorial collaboration broadens the circle of excellence in STEM education in Israel: The story of 5X2initiative. In: Tamar Karin Sheferman (Ed). Strategic Philanthropy in Israel. Resling Publications, Tel Aviv (Hebrew).

    Ben David, Y., Rubel-Lifshitz, T. (2018). Practice the change you want to see in the world: transformative practices of social movements in Israel. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace psychology, 24(1), 10-18. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pac0000268.

    Ben David, Y., Hameiri, B., Benheim, S., Leshem, B., Sarid, A., Sternberg, M., Nadler, A., & Sagy, S. (2017). Exploring Ourselves Within Intergroup Conflict: The Role of Intragroup Dialogue in Promoting Acceptance of Collective Narratives and Willingness Toward Reconciliation. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. 23(3): 269-277. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pac0000205.

    Rubel- Lifshitz, T., Ben-David, Y. (2014). Organizational consulting in fields of conflict: insights working with social change organizations. Organizational analysis (Annalisa Irgunit), 19, 7-28. (Hebrew).

    Nadler, A., Halabi, S., Harapz-Gorodeisky, G., Ben-David, Y. (2010). Helping relations as status relations. In: Mikulincer, M., Shaver, P. R. (Eds). Prosocial motives, emotions, and behaviour: The better angels of our nature (pp. 181-200). American Psychological Association.

    Nadler, A., Gorodeisky-Harpaz, G, Ben-David, Y. (2009). Defensive helping: Threat to group identity, in-group identification, status stability and common group identity as determinants of intergroup help-giving. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 97(5), 823-834.