Prof. Lior Zemer

Harry Radzyner Law School Ph.D., York University, Toronto

Dean of school and Head of Law, Technology and Business Innovation Program

  • Prof. Lior Zemer is the Dean and Professor of Law at the Harry Radzyner School of Law, Reichman University (IDC), Herzliya, Israel.
    Prof. Zemer is the Founder and Director of the MA Program in Law, Technology and Business Innovation, an innovative and multidisciplinary program bridging between law, science, technology and business innovation for both law and non-law graduates. Professor Zemer held academic positions at the faculties of law in Leicester, Birmingham and University College London (UCL), and was a Regular Visiting Professorship at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto, and Boston University School of Law. Prior to joining legal academia, he served as the assistant lawyer to Judge J.D. Cooke at the European Court of First Instance and Judge S. von Bahr at the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg.

    Professor Zemer scholarship focuses on Intellectual Property, Jurisprudence, and European Union Law. He is the author of The Idea of Authorship in Copyright, arguing for a more inclusive approach to the public in the creation process. He has published several edited collections in the field of intellectual property, and numerous articles in leading law reviews including, The Georgetown Law Journal, Boston University Law Review, Utah Law Review, and Harvard Journals of Law and Public Policy. Professor Zemer has supervised numerous PhD and LLM students in Canada, the US, the UK and Israel.

    THE IDEA OF AUTHORSHIP IN COPYRIGHT (London: Routledge (Ashgate) 2007)

    Reviews publised in: (1) Quan Zhou, in 13 International Journal of Communications Law and Policy 215 (2009) (2) Roberta Rosenthal Kwall, The Institute of Chartered Financial Analyst of India (2009); Reprinted in, Copyright Annual Antholog (2009) (3) Waelde Charlotte, “In Search of Copyright Author(s)” 3 Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 141 (2008) (4) Sharon Wang, Review in, 33 Canadian Law Library Review 460 (2008) (5) Journal of Intellectual Property 12(5) (2007, India). jjj



    EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: LEGAL IMPLICATIONS (eds.) (with D Greenbaum and A Gaon, Nevo Legal Press) (Hebrew) (forthcoming, 2021)

    THE RIGHTS AND WRONGS OF COPYING: A DISCOURSE ON AUTHORS AS SPEAKERS, Guest Editor, 29(1) Intellectual Property Journal (Canada) (2016)

    INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: INTERDISCIPLINARY ANALYSIS (eds.) (with M Bitton-Markowitz, Nevo Legal Press, 2015) (in Hebrew)


    “Art and Copyright in Ghettos and Concentration Camps: A Manifesto of Third Generation Holocaust Survivors” (with A. Lior)  The Georgetown Law Journal (2021)

    “The Constitutional Fallacy of Intellectual Property Clauses” Berkeley Technology Law Journal (2021)

    "Inhuman Copyright Scene: The Forgotten Law of Art in the Ghettos" (with A. Lior), forthcoming, Utah Law Review (2021)

    “European Law as Foreign Law” (with S Pardo) ,Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law (2021)

    “The Legal Effect of Euro-Bilateral Relations” (with S Pardo)Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law (2021)

    “The Dialectic Effect of Intellectual Property Constitutionalism” The George Washington International Law Review (2021)

    “The European Origin of Israeli Labour Law”(with N Nadiv) forthcoming, Haifa Law Review (2021)

    “The Role of European Law on the Evolution of Israeli Public and Private Law” (in Hebrew) (with S Pardo) forthcoming, Isr.J.L& Bus (2021)

    “Inequality and Asymmetry in Intellectual Property Constitutionalism” forthcoming, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, INNOVATION AND GLOBAL INEQUALITY (D Benoliel, F Gurry, K Lee & P Yu, eds.) (Cambridge University Press, Intellectual Property and Information Law series, 2021)

    “Introduction: Defining Impact, Addressing Needs” (with A Gaon and D Greenbaum) in EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: LEGAL IMPLICATIONS (eds.) (with D Greenbaum and A Gaon, Nevo Legal Press) (Hebrew) (forthcoming, 2021)

    “Artificial Intelligence and Copyright” (with A. Gaon) in EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: LEGAL IMPLICATIONS (eds.) (with D Greenbaum and A Gaon, Nevo Legal Press) (Hebrew) (forthcoming, 2021)

    “Legal Exportation: The Impact of European Labour Law on Third Countries” (with N Nadiv) forthcoming, Cardozo International, Comparative Policy & Ethics Law Review (2020)

    “The Legal and Political Evolution of EU-Israel Relations” (in Hebrew) (with S Pardo) forthcoming, Isr.J.L& Bus (2020)

    “On the Concepts of Good Faith and Fairness in Intellectual Property Law” (in Hebrew) (with A Elazari) forthcoming in Justice Rubinstein’s Legal Legacy (Miriam Bitton-Markowitz ed., Bar Ilan University Press, 2020)

    “The Social Bargain in Copyright” (in Hebrew) 2 Hebrew University Law ReviewMishpatim) 297 (2017) 

    “Multivoiced Authors” 35(2) Cardozo Arts & Enter LJ 383 (2017)

    “Dialogical Transactions” 95(1) Oregon L. Rev. 141(2017)

    “Copyright, Otherness, Dialogues” in THE RIGHTS AND WRONGS OF COPYING: A DISCOURSE ON AUTHORS AS SPEAKERS, (Review Essay) 29(1) Intellectual Property Journal 155 (2016)(Canada)

    Introduction to THE RIGHTS AND WRONGS OF COPYING: A DISCOURSE ON AUTHORS AS SPEAKERS 29(1) Intellectual Property Journal 1 (2016)(with A Elazari) (Canada)

    “Intellectual Property between Conceptual Diversity and Traditional Harmony” (Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 273 (2016)

    “Three Arguments on Locke, Authorship, Communication and Solitude” 7(1) WIPO Journal 40 (2015)

    “Copyright, Disability and Social Inclusion: The Marrakesh Treaty and the Role of Non-Signatories” (with A Gaon) 10(11) Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 838 (2015))

    “The Wrong Stigma of Intellectual Property” in Bitton-Markowitz and Zemer (eds.), in INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: INTERDISCIPLINARY ANALYSIS (Hebrew) 11 (2015)

    “Freedom to Copy” in Bitton-Markowitz and Zemer (eds.),in INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: INTERDISCIPLINARY ANALYSIS (Hebrew) 99 (2015)

    “Authors and Owners: Learning from Intellectual Property Journal 231-268 (2013)

    “The Dual Message of Moral Rights” 90 Texas Law ReviewSee Also 125-143 (2012)

    “Moral Rights: Limited Edition” 91(4) Boston University Law Review 1519-1568 (2011)

    “Copyright Departures: The Fall of the Last Imperial Copyright Dominion” 60(4) DePaul Law Review 1051-1114 (2011)

    “Bilateralism and the Politics of European Judicial Desire” (with S Pardo) 17(2) Columbia Journal of European Law 263-305 (2011)

    “The Emancipation of Fair Use in Israel” in Bentley, Ng and D’Agostino (eds.),in THE COMMON LAW OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 281-306 (Oxford: Hart 2010)

    “Is Intention to Co-author an Uncertain Realm of Policy?” 30 (3/4) Columbia Journal of Law & Arts 611-624 (2007)

    “We-Intention and the Limits of Copyright” 24(1) Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal 99-120 (2007)

    “Thoughts on Judicial Activism: The Case of the European Court of Justice” (with S Pardo, in Hebrew) 7 Isr. J. L. & Bus. 203-248 (2007)

    “What Copyright Is: Time to Remember the Basics” 4 Buffalo Intellectual Property Law Journal 54-89 (2007)

    “The Copyright Moment” 43 San Diego Law Review 247-317 (2006)

    “The Making of a New Copyright Lockean” 29(3) Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 891-947 (2006)

    “The Conceptual Game in Copyright” 28(3) Hastings Communications and Entertainment Law Journal 409-424 (2006)

    “Contribution and Collaboration in Joint Authorship: Too Many Misconceptions” 1(4) Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 283-292 (2006)

    “On the Value of Copyright Theory” 1 Intellectual Property Quarterly 55-71 (2006)

    “Justice & Foreign Affairs: Taking the European Neighbourhood Partner States to the European Court of Justice” (with S. Pardo) 14(1) Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative LawReprinted in R. Nathanson and S. Stetter (eds.), IEPN: THE MONITOR OF EU-ISRAEL ACTION PLAN 116 (Tel Aviv-Vienna: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2006) 116

    “Public Trust and Political Legitimacy: Conflict of Interests and the Role of the Parliament’s Speaker in Israel and Europe” (with E. Kimel and S. Pardo) 7(2) San Diego International Law Journal 313-340 (2006)

    “Towards a Conception of Authorial Knowledge in Copyright” 3(2)Buffalo Intellectual Property Law Journal 83-104 (2006)

    “Rethinking Copyright Alternatives” 14(1) International Journal of Law and Information Technology 137-145 (2005)

    “Towards a New Euro-Mediterranean Neighborhood Space” (with S. Pardo) 10(1) European Foreign Affairs Review 39-77 (2005)

    “Conflict of Interests and Parliamentary Order” (2005) 3 Justice Scales 363-432 (in Hebrew)

    “The Politics of Euro-Justice: Wider Europe Policy, the ECJ, and the Rationale of Locus Standi” in F Astengo and N Neuwahl (eds.) A CONSTITUTION FOR EUROPE: GOVERNANCE AND POLICY-MAKING IN THE EUROPEAN UNION Vol. II 361-380 (University of Montreal Press, Montreal 2004)

    “The Qualified Zones in Transition: Navigating the Dynamics of the Euro-Israel Customs Dispute” (with S. Pardo) 8(1) European Foreign Affairs Review 51-77 (2003)

    “On a Different Triangle: the European Union, Israel, and the “Rules of Origin” Saga” Missim/Israel Tax Review February 2002, A-87-110 (in Hebrew)

    Book Reviews   1.      Review of Gillian Davies, Nicholas Caddick, and Gwilym Harbottle, Copinger and Skone James on Copyright Vols. 1&2 (Sweet & Maxwell, 2016) Intellectual Property Quarterly (forthcoming, 2018)   2.      Review of Henning Grosse Ruse-Khan, The Protection of Intellectual Property in International Law (Oxford University Press, 2016) European Intellectual Property Review (forthcoming, 2018)   3.      Review of Toshiko Takenaka et al, Patent Enforcement in the US, Germany an Japan (Oxford University Press, 2015) 39(7) European Intellectual Property Review 495 (2017)   4.      Review of Torsten Bettinger and Allegra Waddell, Domain Names Law and Practice (Oxford University Press, 2015) 39(5) European Intellectual Property Review 324 (2017)   5.      Review of Sam Ricketson, The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (Oxford University Press, 2016) 39(4) European Intellectual Property Review 258 (2017)   6.      Review of Jörg Reinbothe and Silke von Lewinski, The WIPO Treaties on Copyright: A Commentary on the WCT, the WPPT, and the BTAP (Oxford University Press, 2015) 38(1) European Intellectual Property Review 66 (2016)   7.      Review of Lazaros G. Grigoriadis, Trade Marks and Free Trade: A Global Analysis (Springer, 2014) 37(7) European Intellectual Property Review 475 (2015)   8.      Review of Jørgen Blomqvist, Primer: on International Copyright and Related Rights (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014) 37(6) European Intellectual Property Review 406 (2015)   9.      Review of Robert Spoo, Without Copyrights: Piracy, Publishing, and the Public Domain (Oxford University Press, 2013) 37(5) European Intellectual Property Review 332 (2015)   10.  Review of Ansgar Ohly and Justine Pila, The Europeanization of Intellectual Property Law: Towards a European Legal Methodology (Oxford University Press, 2013) 37(3) European Intellectual Property Review 190 (2015)   11.  Review of Michael D Birnhack, Colonial Copyright: Intellectual Property in Mandate Palestine (Oxford University Press, 2012) 35(10) European Intellectual Property Review 625 (2013)   12.  Review of Eran Liss and Dan Adin, Intellectual Property and Practice in Israel (Oxford University Press, 2011) 35(2) European Intellectual Property Review 122 (2013)   13.  Review of Fiona Macmillan, New Direction in Copyright Law (Edward Elgar, 2007) 30(5) European Intellectual Property Review 209 (2008)   14.  Review of Trevor C Hartley, European Union Law in a Global Context (Cambridge University Press, 2004) 11(1) European Foreign Affairs Review 135 (2006)   15.  Review of Laura Underkuffler, The Idea of Property (Clarendon Law Series, 2003) 18(4) Trust Law International 229 (2004)