The Yenkin Lands: In the 1920s an American industrialist involved himself in redeeming land in the Herzliya marshlands. Many years later his three adult children agreed to deed the land to Reichman University. The land had since been approved for building for residential purposes. Yenkin Lands was sold to contractors and the revenue from the sale assisted in funding the establishment of the building.

​Established: 2010

Architect: Moshe Tzur


The building's location was chosen with the future expansion of Reichman University in mind and taking into consideration the limitations of space. The building bears the distinct fingerprint of architect Moshe Tzur who tends to break structure of his buildings, and this building is indeed made up of three different blocs connected by "floating" passages.


"The building was designed for the edge of the campus. The division into two wings that are joined by a transparent walkway responds to the need to connect via the building the public expanses of the campus with its developing urban environment, enabling observation of the city and observation of the campus from the city."


- Moshe Tzur