The story of the Reichman University students and graduates who have fallen over the years during military action and in acts of terrorism is the story of Israeli society, and a painful and integral part of the story of this place.


In the center of the campus, a monument was erected consisting of two stone slabs, on which the names of the fallen are engraved: Major Ronen Peled, Ro’i Avisaf, Lt. Col. Emmanuel (Yehuda) Moreno Tov Elem, Major Amichai Itkis, Lt. Col. Amotz Greenberg, Major Tzafrir Bar-Or, Lt. Col. Dolev Keidar, Steven Sotloff and Or Eshkar, may their memories be a blessing.


"From day one, there’s been a sense of togetherness at Reichman University. Thanks to the intimate nature of Reichman University, you get to know a lot of students. We knew many of those who fell personally, and with others there is a personal relationship with the families, which is why this monument is so dear to our hearts."

-Prof. Uriel Reichman