Established: 2016
Architects: David S. Robins and Dan Price

The architecture of the Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson School of Entrepreneurship embodies the spirit of innovation and transformative thinking central to its mission. The plan is efficient and modular with tall spaces designed to be conveniently reconfigured for easy adaptation to support a variety of teaching environments. The fully-glazed West façade is protected with a series of articulated sun louvers that baffle the strong afternoon sun while both promoting views of the campus landscapes and allowing natural light to penetrate deep into the building. Starting at the large, double-height lobby and winding up and around the suspended steel central staircase, the heart of the building connects a string of social spaces designed to encourage collaboration, networking and student-faculty interactions.


"We see the building as an extended metaphor for the entrepreneurial mindset - clear, straightforward, no frills while simultaneously assertive, dynamic, passionately creative and humane."

-David and Dani


Dr. Miriam and Sheldon Adelson are entrepreneurs and visionaries who see vital importance in educating the future generation of social and economic leaders of Israel and the world. The Adelson School of Entrepreneurship at IDC Herzliya now joins their Zionistic-Educational initiatives. The school's goal is to nurture a new generation of entrepreneurs in Israel and the world, aiming to provide them with the knowledge and tools to fulfill their entrepreneurial ambitions in line with Adelson's lifelong motto: "Always challenge the business status quo."