Founding President and Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Reichman University Welcome


Dear Students,


We are embarking on a momentous year in the life of Reichman University - a year in which we mark and celebrate our 25th anniversary.


The founding of Reichman University was the result of deep reflection and the future of the university guided our thought-process and eventual decision-making during every step of the journey. Having come from excellent academic institutions in Israel and around the world, we all agreed on the need for a fresh approach to Israeli academia. Established on this premise, Reichman University shaped its worldview on the basis of interdisciplinary learning; on academic innovation; on an eye toward the international horizon; on the importance of combining academic excellence with practical knowledge and, most of all, on a commitment to a meaningful partnership with our students. Along the journey, the challenges, from various directions, were abundant.


Reichman University is committed to continuous academic and physical growth; to drawing outstanding researchers to join its ranks; and to creating innovative and unique academic programs, all which account for the steady increase in individuals who wish to study here. This steadily growing interest serves as the greatest expression of your unbending faith in the path that we are paving. Today, the academic excellence of Reichman University compares to that of the world’s top universities, as does its contribution to society.


Reichman University chose not to receive government support but rather to contribute to the State by advancing academic and leadership education; by supporting applied research; by fostering and funding students from underprivileged areas and from the Ethiopian community; by accepting veterans of elite IDF units; and by initiating and participating in dozens of community service projects. We are incredibly proud that a quarter of our student population is from 87 countries around the world, making Reichman University one of the largest immigrant absorption centers in Israel.


At the outset, the idea behind Reichman University was difficult for many to comprehend, but the pioneering force, dedication and sense of purpose, that prevail here to this very day, facilitated the construction of a completely different model of academia.


From its inception, Reichman University fostered the hope and expectation that we equip you with the necessary tools that will allow you to take on significant leadership roles in society. We aspire to grassroots leadership, a leadership whose power does not come from any higher authority but rather from commitment; a leadership that draws its power from the freedom to act and the responsibility to initiate.


Indeed, the spirit of voluntarism on campus has not waned for even a single moment. Hundreds of students are active in substantial outreach projects in the community, from tutoring high-school pupils, through mentoring youth at-risk, and to providing legal assistance to those that cannot afford it. The high rate of Reichman University students carrying out reserve duty in the IDF is an indication of the deep sense of commitment and responsibility that our students feel to society at large. At the same time, student initiatives have excelled and have reached phenomenal triumphs in sports, debate, business and social entrepreneurship, etc.


Reichman University’s aspirations reach far beyond academic studies. Many of you have undoubtedly heard the motto “freedom and responsibility” countless times. These two concise words have come to symbolize the moral edict that you, our most significant partners, are asked to internalize during your time here, and to embody upon your graduation. We believe in personal freedom and in the legitimacy of your ambitions to realize your aspirations and dreams. The academic education you will receive will enable you to fulfill yourselves in the real world. We regard you as innovative entrepreneurs and leaders of the future in the fields of your choice. We hope that you will not yield to the status quo when it clashes with your opinions or worldviews; that you will not be disheartened by failures and that you will not expect the State or public institutions to solve problems as they may arise. The future of the State depends on the power of the individual, on entrepreneurship and productivity, on the export of international business initiatives, and on the desire to improve and to bring others together to turn challenges into achievements. However, it is no less imperative to remember that a life devoid of responsibility to others is inadequate and unfulfilling. The greater your successes, the greater your responsibilities, and you will be asked to assist those who are lacking and to secure the ability of Israeli society to meet whatever challenges the future may bring.


I am convinced that you will complete your studies successfully, guided by deep conviction in yourselves and in your ability to shape the future of our society. Do not spare efforts or shy away from battles that await you along the way. Do not forget that you are part of an incredible story of a society anchored in ancient roots, facing current challenges and aspiring to future horizons that will become the achievements of your generation.


Wishing you a successful and fruitful academic year,

Prof. Uriel Reichman

Founding President and Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Reichman University